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As the League of Dressmakers has grown and evolved over the years, my desire is always to curate our content in a way that leads you to more adventurous sewing AND gives you space to build friendships with others who sew.  I believe our new community platform will do just that, and I cannot WAIT to have you check it out!

Designed to look and feel like other social media environments where you have a main feed plus contact with other members through posts, images, and comments, our new private social platform offers space for all of us to come together and interact in new BETTER ways.  

I can’t exaggerate how excited I am about this new way for us to connect!! It’s VERY intuitive, so you’ll discover that you can quickly and easily post, comment, or connect.  Not only will you have FULL MEMBERSHIP in The League with access to our sewalongsvideo series, and posts, you’ll have the chance to JOIN A TEAM and grow your sewing right next to others who love to sew like you!

The platform gives spaces where you can:
Find all the League video content & series
Meet new friends
Ask questions & get inspiration
Prepare for challenges and our Annual Tournament
Join LIVE EVENTS inside the platform, no additional link required

Take a QUIZ to pinpoint your skill level and get a curated list of videos perfect just for you!

And there’s even an APP so you can access content from your mobile device!

You’ll be able to join video chats INSIDE our platform. You can share photos and chat with other members. You can direct message members AND me! And you won’t be distracted by unsolicited ads scrolling past as you do it.

Our new social platform has:

We can’t WAIT to get to know you better. Current members can create their profile NOW, or you can JOIN THE LEAGUE and get started today!


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