I am so excited to announce our first-ever TOURNAMENT! Over the next four weeks here at The League, we will create projects and test our sewing skills, all leading up to ONE Tournament Champion!
I have dreamed of this idea for a LONG time, maybe ever since the first Whipstitch Sew-A-Thon. I love the idea of challenging ourselves to do sewing we might otherwise delay or procrastinate or talk ourselves out of doing–because I know that there can be roadblocks in our skills, where we need a push to get over the hump and move to the next level. Our Annual Tournament is designed to do exactly that, by presenting sewing projects with a deadline, and focusing on ONE skill for each, so that we can see where we are now in our sewing, where we want to go, and hear others cheer us on as we seek our goals!
How often have we said, “I want to sew XYZ, but I don’t know enough/I’m not ready/I’m scared I’ll make a mistake/I don’t want to waste fabric” and on and on? SO MANY TIMES. A little encouragement can go a long way–and like Mary Poppins taught us, even a difficult task is made better when it’s a GAME. The Tournament does that for our sewing: makes a game of it, so we can challenge ourselves, see what others sew with the same constraints, and GROW OUR SEWING in a fun, low-risk but high-reward environment that gives us a chance to take a leap with very little to lose.
Conquer that little voice inside that says, “I can’t” and replace it with the warm, encouraging words of your team mates who say, “YOU CAN AND YOU WILL!” With prizes!! THAT is the League Annual Tournament.
The League is all about SEWING BETTER TOGETHER, and this tournament is a fun, friendly way for us to develop a sense of TEAM amongst ourselves, to learn by doing and by seeing others do, and to DREAM BIG.
Tournament play begins March 17, 2023 and continues through April 14, 2023. Download the PDF with rules, guidelines, deadlines, and a bracket to track your wins! Prizes include gift certificates to Mood Fabrics and Emma One Sock, along with the joy of sewing. Play on!
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