Download the printable guide:
The League Annual Tournament of Stitching starts NOW! Download the guide and get started on Challenge #1: Sew With Fleece. Watch the video below or right here for all the details and get inspired!
Watch the welcome video:
The first challenge starts NOW. Entries must be made to our private social platform no later than 11:59 pm Eastern time on March 14, 2024. ANY active League member can enter, and adding your project to the “Share Your Projects” tab is all it takes to participate in the Tournament!
Need ideas for sewing with fleece?
This post gives an excellent overview for stitch techniques with fleece.
I made a number of fleece garments last year, all of which are included in this round-up for inspiration!
Since fleece is simply a knit fabric, you can use LOTS of ideas from our Sewing Knits Without The Serger series, like this blanket with binding.

Fleece is great for making 3D applique! The guide for our Halloween Tote can be adapted to nearly any design you can dream up.

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